Day eight of our 2016 summer vacay took us over Sonora Pass (Hwy. 108)
heading west from Bridgeport in the Eastern Sierras to the lovely mountain town
of Twain Harte in Tuolumne County in the Central Sierras, where we had a
reservation at the Beury Cabin. The views were stupendous along the way, and
our fur babies got to enjoy a trek through a spectacular meadow at 9,400'

USMC Mountain Warfare Training Center, Pickel Meadows,
SR 108, 2 miles
NW of Bridgeport
Footbridge at Leavitt Meadow trailhead off SR 108,
8 miles west of Hwy. 395 at Sonora Junction, Mono County
8 miles west of Hwy. 395 at Sonora Junction, Mono County
West Walker River at Leavitt Meadow trailhead, Hwy. 108,
Humboldt-Toiyabe National Forest, Mono County
West Walker River at Leavitt Meadow trailhead, Hwy. 108,
Humboldt-Toiyabe National Forest, Mono County
Hwy. 108, Sonora Pass Hwy., Mono County
Slender Cinquefoil (Potentilla gracilis)
Hwy. 108, Sonora Pass Hwy., Mono County
Aspen Onion (Allium bisceptrum)
Hwy. 108, Sonora Pass Hwy., Mono County
Hwy. 108, Sonora Pass Hwy., Mono County
Pallid Owl Clover? (Castilleja lineariloba)
Hwy. 108, Sonora Pass Hwy., Tuolumne County
Bog Mallow, Oregon Checkermallow (Sidalcea oregana ssp. spicata)
Hwy. 108, Sonora Pass Hwy., Mono County
Hwy. 108, Sonora Pass Hwy., Mono County
Hwy. 108, Sonora Pass Hwy., Mono County
Hwy. 108, Sonora Pass Hwy., Mono County
Hwy. 108, Sonora Pass Hwy., Mono County
Leichtlin's Mariposa Lily (Calochortus leichtlinii)
Hwy. 108, Sonora Pass Hwy., Mono County
Elk Thistle (Cirsium scariosum)
Hwy. 108, Sonora Pass Hwy., Mono County
Owl's Claws (Hymenoxys hoopesii)
Hwy. 108, Sonora Pass Hwy., Mono County
Hwy. 108, Sonora Pass Hwy., Mono County
Alpine Sheep Sorrel (Rumex paucifolius) with Owl's Claws (Hymenoxys hoopesii)
Hwy. 108, Sonora Pass Hwy., Mono County
Hwy. 108, Sonora Pass Hwy., Mono County
Wandering Daisy (Erigeron peregrinus)
Hwy. 108, Sonora Pass Hwy., Mono County
Hwy. 108, Sonora Pass Hwy., Mono County
Sardine Creek, Hwy. 108, Sonora Pass Hwy., Mono County
Sardine Creek, Hwy. 108, Sonora Pass Hwy., Mono County
Sardine Creek, Hwy. 108, Sonora Pass Hwy., Mono County
Brewer's Lupine (Lupinus breweri), Hwy. 108, Sonora Pass Hwy.,
Humboldt-Toiyabe National Forest, Mono County
Humboldt-Toiyabe National Forest, Mono County
Hwy. 108, Sonora Pass Hwy., Humboldt-Toiyabe National Forest, Mono County
Hwy. 108, Sonora Pass Hwy., Humboldt-Toiyabe National Forest, Mono County
Castilleja spp.
Hwy. 108, Sonora Pass Hwy., Humboldt-Toiyabe National Forest, Mono County
Hwy. 108, Sonora Pass Hwy., Humboldt-Toiyabe National Forest, Mono County
Hwy. 108, Sonora Pass Hwy., Humboldt-Toiyabe National Forest, Mono County
Nude Buckwheat (Eriogonum nudum)
Hwy. 108, Sonora Pass Hwy., Humboldt-Toiyabe National Forest,
Mono County
Hwy. 108, Sonora Pass Hwy., Humboldt-Toiyabe National Forest,
Mono County
Small-flowered/Jessica's Stickseed (Hackelia micrantha)
Hwy. 108, Sonora Pass Hwy., Humboldt-Toiyabe National Forest, Mono County
Hwy. 108, Sonora Pass Hwy., Humboldt-Toiyabe National Forest, Mono County
Hwy. 108, Sonora Pass Hwy., Humboldt-Toiyabe National Forest, Mono County
Large meadow off Hwy. 108 (Sonora Pass Hwy.) at 9,400' elevation.
Stanislaus National Forest, Tuolumne County
Large meadow off Hwy. 108 (Sonora Pass Hwy.) at 9,400' elevation.
Stanislaus National Forest, Tuolumne County
Large meadow off Hwy. 108 (Sonora Pass Hwy.) at 9,400' elevation.
Stanislaus National Forest, Tuolumne County
Large meadow off Hwy. 108 (Sonora Pass Hwy.) at 9,400' elevation.
Stanislaus National Forest, Tuolumne County
Pussypaws (Calyptridum umbellatum)
Hwy. 108 (Sonora Pass Hwy.) at 9,400' elevation,
Stanislaus National Forest, Tuolumne County
Stanislaus National Forest, Tuolumne County
Hwy. 108 (Sonora Pass Hwy.) at 9,400' elevation
Stanislaus National Forest, Tuolumne County
Stanislaus National Forest, Tuolumne County
Ranunculus spp.?
Hwy. 108 (Sonora Pass Hwy.) at 9,400' elevation,
Stanislaus National Forest, Tuolumne County
Hwy. 108 (Sonora Pass Hwy.) at 9,400' elevation,
Stanislaus National Forest, Tuolumne County
American Bistort (Bistorta bistortoides)
Hwy. 108 (Sonora Pass Hwy.) at 9,400' elevation,
Stanislaus National Forest, Tuolumne County
Hwy. 108 (Sonora Pass Hwy.) at 9,400' elevation,
Stanislaus National Forest, Tuolumne County
Alpine Shooting Star (Primula tetrandra)
Hwy. 108 (Sonora Pass Hwy.) at 9,400' elevation,
Stanislaus National Forest, Tuolumne County
Hwy. 108 (Sonora Pass Hwy.) at 9,400' elevation,
Stanislaus National Forest, Tuolumne County
Nevada Lewisia (Lewisia nevadensis)
Hwy. 108 (Sonora Pass Hwy.) at 9,400' elevation,
Stanislaus National Forest, Tuolumne County
Hwy. 108 (Sonora Pass Hwy.) at 9,400' elevation,
Stanislaus National Forest, Tuolumne County
Silky Raillardella (Raillardella argentea)
Hwy. 108 (Sonora Pass Hwy.) at 9,400' elevation,
Stanislaus National Forest, Tuolumne County
Hwy. 108 (Sonora Pass Hwy.) at 9,400' elevation,
Stanislaus National Forest, Tuolumne County
Hwy. 108 (Sonora Pass Hwy.) at 9,400' elevation,
Stanislaus National Forest, Tuolumne County
Stanislaus National Forest, Tuolumne County
Sierra Penstemon (Penstemon heterodoxus)
Hwy. 108 (Sonora Pass Hwy.) at 9,400' elevation,
Stanislaus National Forest, Tuolumne County
Hwy. 108 (Sonora Pass Hwy.) at 9,400' elevation,
Stanislaus National Forest, Tuolumne County
Castilleja spp.
Hwy. 108 (Sonora Pass Hwy.) at 9,400' elevation,
Stanislaus National Forest, Tuolumne County
Hwy. 108 (Sonora Pass Hwy.) at 9,400' elevation,
Stanislaus National Forest, Tuolumne County
Hwy. 108 (Sonora Pass Hwy.) at 9,400' elevation,
Stanislaus National Forest, Tuolumne County
Stanislaus National Forest, Tuolumne County
Phlox diffusa?
Hwy. 108 (Sonora Pass Hwy.) at 9,400' elevation,
Stanislaus National Forest, Tuolumne County
Hwy. 108 (Sonora Pass Hwy.) at 9,400' elevation,
Stanislaus National Forest, Tuolumne County
Hwy. 108 (Sonora Pass Hwy.), Stanislaus National Forest, Tuolumne County
Hwy. 108 (Sonora Pass Hwy.), Stanislaus National Forest, Tuolumne County
Donnell Vista, at around 6,300' elevation, is a day use area off Sonora
Pass Hwy., 15 miles west of Strawberry. A 1/4 mile paved trail leads to an
overlook with awesome views of the middle fork of the Stanislaus River
& Canyon, Donnell Reservoir and the Dardanelles (volcanic peaks in the
Carson-Iceberg Wilderness)
Donnell Vista is a great place to park, stretch your legs, take a
bathroom break, and enjoy the incredible views. However, it seems like there's
a bit of eerie history to this place that involves missing persons (something I
didn't know until I did some Google searches for this post). Check it
Donnell Vista
Donnell Vista
Donnell Vista
Donnell Vista
Donnell Vista
Penstemon spp., Donnell Vista
Interpretive sign at Donnell Vista
Checkermallow (Sidalcea glaucescens), Donnell Vista
Parish's Yampah (Perideridia parishii), Donnell Vista
Parish's Yampah (Perideridia parishii), Donnell Vista

Donnell Vista
Donnell Vista
Donnell Vista
California Incense Cedar (Calocedrus decurrens), Donnell Vista
California Incense Cedar (Calocedrus decurrens), Donnell Vista
California Black Oak (Quercus kellogii), Donnell Vista
California Black Oak (Quercus kellogii), Donnell Vista
Foyer in the Beury cabin in Twain Harte
Beury cabin
Beury cabin
Beury cabin
Beury cabin
Beury cabin
Beury cabin
Beury cabin
Beury cabin
Addy & Sasha HATED going up the spiral staircase to the bedrooms!
Too slippery & discombobulating. Trip note for next time...
Too slippery & discombobulating. Trip note for next time...
Beury cabin
Beury cabin
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